• CI Assessment – Create a Practitioner Assessment

    Practitioner Assessments are observational outcome surveys, created at the start, during or after an intervention. This method the practitioner completes the assessment Instructions Step 1.   Log into your CRM database (refer to Logging On for further information) Step 2.   Locate the session you wish to assess. This may exist under a variety of sessions…

  • CI Assessment – create a client assessment via sms

    Client Assessments are are surveys completed by your client at the start, during or after an intervention. This method will send the client a SMS message with invitation to complete a series of questions. Instructions Step 1.   Log into your CRM database (refer to Logging On for further information) Step 2.   Locate the session…

  • CI Assessment – Create a Client Assessment via Kiosk

    Client Assessments are are surveys completed by your client at the start, during or after an intervention. This method will place an assessment in your client account they can access and complete using a Community CI Kiosk login. Instructions Step 1.   Log into your CRM database (refer to Logging On for further information)…

  • CI Assessment – create a client assessment via email

    Client Assessments are surveys completed by your client at the start, during or after an intervention. This method will send the client an email with an invitation to complete a series of questions. Instructions Step 1.   Log into your CRM database (refer to Logging On for further information) Step 2.   Locate the session you…

  • Example Notifications

    Email notifications are sent as plain text and exclude images or complex formatting. SMS notifications are sent in simple text. Dates and locations may be hyperlinked by the recipient mobile phone depending on the messaging app they use. Example Email Notification The image below illustrates the format of the email…

  • Edit a Notification

    To change a notification message or send date/time ensure the notification is still pending and follow the steps below. Instructions Step 1. Log into your CRM database (refer to Logging On for further information). Step 2. Select Notifications from the Top Menu Step 3. Select notification to be edited and…

  • Create a Notification

    Before creating a notification ensure the client you wish to notify has email or mobile phone information configured. Instructions Step 1. Log into your CRM database (refer to Logging On for further information). Step 2. Search for the required client Step 3. Select the client detail record Step 4. Check to…

  • Notifications Overview

    Many appointment based service industries find that a client notification system can assist in reducing the number of missed appointments. The notification functionality is a standard optional extra that can be added to the client module as a sub panel. If your organisation requires notification functionality on other modules please…