• Add a Locality

    Localities are configured in your database to make entering addresses easier. A Locality record allows you to link a suburb to the correct postcode and state. When your database is initially configured you will have the approved Australia Post list of localities. Depending on database permissions, you may also be…

  • Using the Mass Update Tool

    There may be times when you need to update several records with the same information. e.g. if you need to re-assign clients or cases to a different user   Editing every record individually can be time-consuming and can lead to errors. The Mass Update Tool allows you to select multiple…

  • Why are the results for my DSS Export different to my Session search?

    If you filter your sessions results by site, there is a chance that you will see a different number of sessions. DSS mandates that sessions are reported against the Case site. When you search for sessions in the DSS Export tab, the site filter will always use the site saved…

  • Contact Us

    If you are an existing customer and require support please contact our support team via email on support@communityds.com.au or call 1800 503 981 If you would like to make a general enquiry about Community Data Solutions or a software offering, please email enquiries@communityds.com.au. If you would like to make a suggestion about…

  • Using the Knowledge Base

    This Knowledge Base has been created to help you find answers to questions that arise while using your Community Data Solutions CRM database. There is a variety of functionality covered in the following articles, not all of which may be currently available in your database. If you are unable to…

  • Create a Child Client Record

    Family Support cases contain multiple members, including adults, children and other household members. There are two methods for adding a client record to a case – this depends on how your database is configured. This article covers the process for adding a child as a client to the database to…

  • Create a Family Support Session

    Family Support session activities are raised against a Family Support Case until the case is closed. Family Support functionality provides holistic case management for children, adults and household members by linking their client records, individual details and session notes within a single case. Instructions Step 1. Log into your CRM…

  • Add a Household Member

    Household members can be added to a Family Support case. This allows significant adults in the broader household to be included in the case The CRM database Family Support functionality is tailored to each organisation.  Your Family Support pages may have a slightly different appearance. Note that not all Family…

  • Create a Family Support Case

    The Family Support functionality provides holistic case management for children, adults and household members by linking their client records, individual details and session notes within a single case. The CRM database Family Support functionality is tailored to each organisation.  Your Family Support pages may have a slightly different appearance. Instructions…