• DEX Error – Topic cannot be sent for this Activity

    DEX Portal File Processing returns the following error: Error Topic cannot be sent for this activity. Cause A session has been created under a funding source which does not require a topic selection (e.g. NDIS Appeals) Any session using this funding source must NOT have a topic selected. Action Find…

  • DEX Error – Topic is a required field. Please provide an answer.

    DEX Portal File Processing returns the following error: Error Topic is a required field. Please provide an answer. Cause A session has been created under a funding source which requires a topic (e.g. NDAP) Any session using this funding source must have a topic selected. Action Find the Session IDs…

  • OOHC – Active Placements Report

    The Active Placements Report provides a list of all placements active within the selected reporting period. Placements are sorted by Placement Type and Carer Household. Instructions Step 1. Select Reports from the  top menu Step 2. From the Report drop-down menu, select Out of Home Care – Active Placement List Step 3. Populate the Report input parameter…

  • Notifications Report

    The Notifications Report provides a list of all notifications scheduled to run within the selected reporting period. Notifications are grouped by module and contain links to the notifying record. Instructions Step 1. Select Reports from the  top menu Step 2. From the Report drop-down menu, select Notifications Report Step 3. Populate the Report input parameter fields (Start…

  • Create a Family Support Regular Attendee

    Family Support session activities are raised against a Family Support Case until the case is closed. Family Support functionality provides holistic case management for children, adults and household members by linking their client records, individual details and session notes within a single case. There are two methods for recording attendance…

  • DEX Error – Field value is outside the acceptable range (0-999)

    DEX Portal File Processing returns the following error: Error Field value is outside the acceptable range (0-999). Check unidentified attendance values on related sessions. Cause The TOTAL UNIDENTIFIED CLIENTS for a single case is calculated based on the sum of unidentified clients in all sessions related to that case. For…

  • Create a CHSP Invoice

    CHSP Services are recorded against CHSP Cases.  Clients may make a contribution towards the cost of these services. In these cases, you may need to create an invoice for the client. The CHSP module allows managing of services to assist frail older people aged 65 years and over (50 years…

  • Mark a CHSP Service as Delivered

    CHSP services are raised against a CHSP Case until the case is closed. A CHSP Service can be created as ‘Planned’ – future service, or ‘Delivered’ – past service. The CHSP module allows managing of services to assist frail older people aged 65 years and over (50 years and over…