What is Community CI? CommunityCI is an online client outcomes data collection and analysis tool. Build your custom outcomes framework and performance indicators or...
CI Assessment – Create a CI Session Assessment Community CI is an outcomes management software solution used to create outcome surveys, collect data from practitioners and clients and...
CI Assessment – create a client assessment via email Client Assessments are surveys completed by your client at the start, during or after an intervention. This method will send...
CI Assessment – Create a Client Assessment via Kiosk Client Assessments are are surveys completed by your client at the start, during or after an intervention. This method will...
CI Assessment – create a client assessment via sms Client Assessments are are surveys completed by your client at the start, during or after an intervention. This method will...
CI Assessment – Create a Practitioner Assessment Practitioner Assessments are observational outcome surveys, created at the start, during or after an intervention. This method the practitioner completes...
CI Assessment – create a group assessment The Community Education module is a module that manages the details of group activity. Group assessment only varies from individual...
CI Assessment – create a group assessment – error This article relates to the error you may encounter when creating a CI Assessment for a Group. The error has...
CI Assessment – create a joint client and practitioner assessment Joint Client and Practitioner Client Assessments are surveys completed at the start, during or after an intervention. Using the Joint...
CI Assessment – Create and send to a 3rd party Sending an assessment to a 3rd party for a client, is used when the client cannot complete the assessment themselves....