Can I select multiple options in a list?

Your CRM database likely contains many multi-select menus and drop-down menus.

Drop-down lists allow a single selection only.  Drop-down lists may be configured with a default option that is selected automatically unless changed.

Multi-select menus allow single or multiple selections as required.

Using a drop-down list

Step 1. Navigate to the required page (e.g. Client)

Drop down options

Step 2. Click on the required drop-down

Drop down list

If an option is currently selected, there will be a tick next to it.

Step 3. Select the required entry

The new entry will be selected and displayed in the field

New Selection


Using a multi-select list

Step 1. Navigate to the required page (e.g. Clients Advanced Search)

Advanced Client Search

There are a number of multi-select lists displayed.


Step 2. Click on a required value in the list.

Single selection


Step 3. If another field is required, hold down your control (windows) or command (Mac) key and click on the additional values

Tip: You can also click and drag your mouse if the 
required values are adjacent.




Updated on April 19, 2018

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