Log On

Community Data Solutions has provided your organisation with a web address to access the system.

Entering this address into a connected internet web browser (preferably Google Chrome) should result in the following logon screen:

Log in screen


Step 1: Enter your Community Data Solutions-provided username and password.

Step 2: Select your site from the drop-down box, making sure it corresponds to the location you are working at on the day.

This action will ensure that all site-related questions within the CRM will correspond with your initial log-in site.

If you have forgotten your password then you can utilise the ‘Forgot Password’ function by clicking the link in the bottom right corner. This will require you to enter your username and the same email address as was entered against your user account.

Further Information

For further assistance with logging in, refer to the following articles:

Updated on March 11, 2024

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