Welcome to your CRM Database Your Database Your CRM database has been built to assist you in providing service to your customers. It will allow...
Getting Help The Community Data Solutions team worked with various members of your organisation to scope, design and deliver your CRM system....
Using the Knowledge Base This Knowledge Base has been created to help you find answers to questions that arise while using your Community Data...
Log On Community Data Solutions has provided your organisation with a web address to access the system. Entering this address into a...
Searching for a record Every list in your CRM database is searchable. While each list contains slightly different information, the searching functionality is common...
Dashboard Upon logging into the system, the home screen will be visible. The details presented may vary somewhat to that shown...
Dashlets Dashlets are smaller, floating windows shown on the main screen i.e. your Dashboard. The Dashlets shown in the example below...
Add a Dashlet Smaller, floating windows shown on the main screen are called Dashlets. Additional dashlets can be added as required. Instructions Step...
Move a Dashlet Smaller, floating windows shown on the main screen are called Dashlets. Dashlets can be moved around the homepage to the...
Edit a Dashlet Smaller, floating windows shown on the main screen are called Dashlets. Dashlets can be edited to alter how they display...