• Merge Duplicate Client Records

    The Client record contains all information for a particular client.  This includes personal information and a history of interactions with the organisation. It is possible for duplicate client records to be created due to user error, misspelling or miscommunication. Duplicate entries should be merged to ensure all client information is…

  • DEX Error – Client Information

    DEX Reporting requires certain client data to always be contained in the upload file. Other data may not be mandatory but will be validated if it is included. The majority of this validation is performed by your database, either by requiring the data to save the client record, or during…

  • Client SLK errors

    If you receive an SLK error from the Client Compliance report, or from the DEX Portal, the Client record must be updated and the SLK re-generated. Instructions Step 1. Log into your CRM database (refer to Logging On for further information). Step 2.  Select Clients from the top menu Step…

  • DEX Error – A client must be recorded against the case

    DEX Portal File Processing returns the following error: Error A client must be recorded against the case. Please enter the number of unidentified clients greater than zero (0) or attach at least one identified or de-identified client to the case. Cause No Session Attendee exists on the session Action Find…

  • DEX Portal Report Errors

    When uploading a bulk XML upload to the Data Exchange (DEX), you may receive errors. Errors may occur due to a number of reasons, usually related to incorrect or missing data. Instructions Step 1. Create your XML Bulk Upload file (refer to the Create a DEX Activity Report  article for…

  • DEX Error – Session Date is outside the data entry reporting period

    DEX Portal File Processing returns the following error: Error Session Date dd/mm/yyyy is outside the data entry reporting period. Session date must fall within the reporting period dd/mm/yyyy to dd/mm/yyyy. Cause A Session has been included which is outside of the current reporting period. Action Open the DEX Reporting Page…

  • DEX Error – The element Session has invalid child element

    DEX Portal File Processing returns the following error: Error The element ‘Session’ has invalid child element ‘TotalNumberofUnidentifiedClients’.  List of possible elements expected: ‘ServiceTypeId’. Cause Problem with the session record Action Open the Session record in your database. Click Edit. Amend any data errors, set an assistance type value if required….