Generate Invoices

Invoices are generated once NDIS claims have been approved, or when clients who receive service without an approved NDIA support plan.

Invoice Processing can also create a file to be used with your finance software. Currently, CDS supports exports to MYOB Accounts Right online and Xero. To discuss finance system options, please contact your CDS Account Manager.



Step 1. Log into your CRM database (refer to Logging On for further information).


Step 2. Select Session Attendance & Claims from the top menu

Session Attendance and Claims


Step 3.  Click on the Invoice Processing Tab

Claims Processing Tab


Step 4. Enter the required search criteria for the claims to be invoiced.

Date of Claim Submission – From
* Select the start date of the claims to be submitted

Date of Claim Submission – To
* Select the end date of the claims to be submitted

Claim Status
* N/A – to include fee for service clients
* Submitted – to include claims that have been successfully submitted to the NDIA portal

Invoice Status
* Unprocessed – to exclude any claims that have previously had invoices created

Invoicing Criteria


Step 5. Click Search

All claims that meet the entered criteria are returned

Claims to be invoiced


Step 6. Check the following:

Total Price – must be greater than 0

If the total price is 0 – check the claim and ensure that the appropriate NDIS Support Item has been selected.

Invoice Debtor Name – must not be blank

If the Debtor name is blank, check that the Client record and Support Plan have the correct NDIS information.

It may be that a Support Person has had a claim raised against their attendance in error.



Step 7. Once the claims have been checked, select the claims to submit.

You can click the Select dropdown at the top of the list to select all records, or all for the current page.

Select options

You can also select individual claims by clicking the check-box next to the claim.

Selected Claims


Step 8. Once the required Claims are selected, click Generate Invoices

If any errors exist, the system will generate a file named: Errors_generating_invoices_<date>

Review any errors and resolve them or do not submit the problematic record.


Step 9. Once any errors are resolved or removed, click Generate Invoices.

A confirmation message is displayed at the top of the page.

Invoices created message


Step 10. To view the invoice details for the claim, copy the invoice batch number from the top of the screen.


Step 11. Click Clear to remove the search criteria from the NDIS Session Attendance and Claims page


Step 12. Copy the Invoice Batch Number into the Invoice Batch Number field.

Invoice Batch Number field

All claims related to that invoice batch number are returned

Invoiced claim

Next Steps

Export Invoice data for Finance System

Further Instructions

For further information, refer to the following articles:

Updated on May 24, 2018

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