Financial Counselling functionality tracks all financial counselling services provided to and associated with, clients.
When a Client starts a Financial Counselling service, certain data must be captured. This may be required for internal reporting or for reporting to funding bodies.
Step 1. Log into your CRM database (refer to Logging On for further information).
Step 2. Search for the required Client.
If the client you need does not exist in your database, create a new client.
View the client
Step 3. View the Client
Under the Sub-Panel scroll to the Financial Counselling (as primary client) Sub-Panel .

Then click on the Create.

Step 4. The Financial Counselling record page is displayed
Enter data into all the required fields and any other fields as needed.
Tip: The screen shot you see below is a generic example. Your Financial Counselling Case may have different fields and data entry requirements depending on your organisation's needs.

Step 5. When finished entering data
Click on the Save Button

Step 6. You can now see the Financial Counselling Case record and its Sub-Panels.
Tip: The screen shot you see below is a generic example. Your Financial Counselling Case may have different fields and data entry requirements depending on your organisation's needs.

Next Steps
Further Information
For further information, refer to the following articles: