DEX Error – Income Frequency and Approximate Gross Income DEX Portal File Processing returns the following error: Error Income frequency is a required field when the Approximate gross income...
DEX Error – Client ID or Case ID not found DEX Portal File Processing returns the following error: Error ClientId xxxxxx not found OR CaseId xxxxxx not found Cause These...
DEX Error – Address details are invalid DEX Portal File Processing returns the following error: Error Address details are invalid. Please ensure the address details are correct...
DEX Error – Month and Year of first arrival DEX Portal File Processing returns the following error: Error Month and Year of first arrival in Australia must be greater...
DEX Error – The element Session has invalid child element DEX Portal File Processing returns the following error: Error The element ‘Session’ has invalid child element ‘TotalNumberofUnidentifiedClients’. List of possible...
DEX Error – Session Date is outside the data entry reporting period DEX Portal File Processing returns the following error: Error Session Date dd/mm/yyyy is outside the data entry reporting period. Session...
DEX Error – A client must be recorded against the case DEX Portal File Processing returns the following error: Error A client must be recorded against the case. Please enter the...
DEX Error – The session cannot be changed as it is outside of the data reporting period DEX Portal File Processing returns the following error: Error The session cannot be changed as it is outside of the...
DEX Error – Service Type Id does not exist or you do not have access to it DEX Portal File Processing returns the following error: Error Service Type Id xx does not exist or you do not...
DEX Error – The case is locked and cannot be changed as the program activity has ended DEX Portal File Processing returns the following error: Error The case is locked and cannot be changed as the program...