Password and User Account Policy The Community Data Solutions Password and User Account Policy is designed to protect the privacy of client data. Please refer...
How do I change my password? We recommend changing your password after your first login, and then as required. To change your password, first, log...
Reset User Passwords The Community Data Solutions CRM system allows users with the manager role to manage the users of the database and...
I’ve forgotten my password, what do I do? If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it yourself. Follow these steps: Step 1. Navigate to the login...
Create a new User The Community Data Solutions CRM system allows users with the manager role to manage the users of the database and...
Regular Users and Light Users The Community Data Solutions CRM system allows Users to be created as Regular or Light Users. All Users can be added...
Create a Light User The Community Data Solutions CRM system allows users with the manager role to manage the users of the database and...