• CI Assessment – Create and send to a 3rd party

    Sending an assessment to a 3rd party for a client, is used when the client cannot complete the assessment themselves. Example: A carer needs to complete the assessment for the client as they are unable to. Instructions Step 1.   Log into your CRM database (refer to Logging On for further information). Tip: Your…

  • Enable Multi-Factor Authentication

    Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) also know as 2-factor authentication, can be enabled on individual user accounts to provide an increased level of security. Users can only enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) on their own user accounts. When setting up Multi-Factor Authentication, there are 2 options you could use.You only need to pick…

  • CI Assessment – create a joint client and practitioner assessment

    Joint Client and Practitioner Client Assessments are surveys completed at the start, during or after an intervention. Using the Joint Client and Practitioner method, the Practitioner will complete the assessment for the client with the client present by entering the client’s answers to a series of questions. Instructions Step 1.   Log…

  • Recording Enquiries count for DEX Reporting

    The Enquiry module does not report your communications with people to DEX. You can record a count of the Enquiry communications you deal with, this can be done by recording them in a Community Education Case and its Session/s. These will then be reported to DEX. Instructions Step 1.   Log into…

  • PSP – Mass Document Download

    To easily download documents in bulk from parts of your database file you can do this with Download Document Module The Download Documents Module, allows you to bulk download documents stored in parts of your database into a ZIP file. If you have the feature active in your database, you…

  • Mass Document Download

    To easily download documents in bulk from parts of your database file you can do this with Download Document Module The Download Documents Module, allows you to bulk download documents stored in parts of your database into a ZIP file. If you have the feature active in your database, you…

  • Identifying Users with Multi-Factor Authentication active

    Managers of the CDS CRM database can search for users who have Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) active at logon. This is useful when you want to monitor users who have secured their user account with the extra security feature of ‘Two-Step Verification’. Instructions Step 1.   Log into your CRM database (refer to Logging…

  • CI Assessment – create a group assessment – error

    This article relates to the error you may encounter when creating a CI Assessment for a Group. The error has occurred because the Community Education Case i.e. the Group Name starts with numeric values or illegal characters which is not acceptable to DEX Use this knowledge base (Help?) article to…

  • CI Assessment – create a group assessment

    The Community Education module is a module that manages the details of group activity. Group assessment only varies from individual assessment by applying to a group of clients instead of individuals, the practitioner is the one who completes the assessment for a Group Assessment is done at the Session level…

  • CommunityBI Reports – view a report

    Community BI is a Business Intelligence Reporting system. Community BI is offered as a data visualisation tool integrated with Community Data Solutions CRM. For our customers there are different versions of Community BI available.  What you have as a user is dependant on what your organization has selected to use.  …