• Add a User to a Team

    The Record Level Access Permission (RLAP) feature allows restricting records in the system to be only visible to certain users or teams within the database. If you have access to manage team membership, you will see the Team link in the top menu of your database. Instructions Step 1.   Log into…

  • PSP – How to add Carer (Individual) Training

    The Carer Training Completed is where you record and track training programs your workers have completed in order to perform their duties within your organisation. These programs may include: Child Safe Environments, Cultural Awareness, and Police Check. In the Individual Record on the Sub-Panel, you will see Carer Training Completed listed. Record keeping for…

  • Remove a Dashlet

    Smaller, floating windows shown on the main screen are called Dashlets. Dashlets can be removed from your homepage if you do not wish to see them. Instructions Step 1. Log into your CRM database (refer to Logging On for further information). Your homepage is displayed with your current dashlets. Step…

  • Edit a Dashlet

    Smaller, floating windows shown on the main screen are called Dashlets. Dashlets can be edited to alter how they display information. Instructions Step 1. Log into your CRM database (refer to Logging On for further information). Your homepage is displayed with your current dashlets. Step 2. To edit the dashlet…

  • Move a Dashlet

    Smaller, floating windows shown on the main screen are called Dashlets. Dashlets can be moved around the homepage to the order that works for you. Instructions Step 1. Log into your CRM database (refer to Logging On for further information). Your homepage is displayed with your current dashlets. Step 2….

  • Add a Dashlet

    Smaller, floating windows shown on the main screen are called Dashlets. Additional dashlets can be added as required. Instructions Step 1.    Log into your CRM database (refer to Logging On for further information). Your homepage is displayed with your current dashlets. Tip: Already logged in, click on Dashboard at the…

  • Dashlets

    Dashlets are smaller, floating windows shown on the main screen i.e. your Dashboard. The Dashlets shown in the example below are My Personal Counselling My Contract My Client Assessments My Case Session Dashlets provide a quick overview of useful information, available at a glance when on the home screen. Further…

  • Dashboard

    Upon logging into the system, the home screen will be visible. The details presented may vary somewhat to that shown below, but the general layout will remain the same. The grey navigation panel across the top of the screen is known as the Dashboard. Shortcuts for common tasks are shown…

  • PSP – How to add Carer (Individual) Documents

    The Individual Documents is where you can upload a files relating to an Individual. In the Individual Record on the Sub-Panel, you will see Individual Documents listed. Record keeping for Out of Home Care (OOHC) in Permanency Support Program (PSP) Instructions Step 1.   Log into your CRM database (refer to Logging On for…

  • PSP – How to create an Individual record

    In your CRM database you create an Individual Record to keep information relating to an Individual for out-of-home care (OOHC). These includeAdult Sibling, Post Care Child/YP, Biological Child, Birth Family, Parent, Birth Family Member, Significant Other, Household Member, Elder, Carer, Prospective Carer Record keeping for Out of Home Care (OOHC)…