• DEX Error – End date is invalid. Date must be before today (dd/mm/yyyy)

    DEX Portal File Processing returns the following error: Error End date is invalid. Date must be before today (11/10/2018) Cause Closed Date for a case is in the future. Action Find the Case IDs from the error file. Open the Case record in your database. Click Edit. Change the Closed…

  • Cancel a planned Individual Activity (Cannot Deliver Service)- NDIS Plan

    Once the Client’s Support Plan details have been completed, Support Activities can be planned. For a number of reasons, a planned activity may need to be cancelled. The following article demonstrates how to cancel an activity that cannot be delivered.   Instructions   Step 1. Log into your CRM database…

  • Cancel a planned Individual Activity (No Show)- NDIS Plan

    Once the Client’s Support Plan details have been completed, Support Activities can be planned. For a number of reasons, a planned activity may need to be cancelled. The NDIA allows you to claim up to 90% of an activity charge as a cancellation fee under certain circumstances. The following article…

  • Cancel a delivered group activity

    NDIS activities can be planned, delivered and/or cancelled for individuals or groups. While activities should only be marked as delivered once they have occurred, you may need to change an activity marked as delivered to cancelled. This will also update any claims related to the activity, so you should ensure…

  • Create a Cancellation Claim – Group Activity

    NDIS activities can be planned, delivered and cancelled for individuals or groups. For a number of reasons, a participant may choose to not attend a group activity. There are 2 ways to record a no-show for a group activity. 1. If you do not wish to charge the client, simply…

  • Cancel a planned Individual Activity (Client Request)- NDIS Plan

    Once the Client’s Support Plan details have been completed, Support Activities can be planned. For a number of reasons, a planned activity may need to be cancelled. The NDIA allows you to claim up to 90% of an activity charge as a cancellation fee under certain circumstances. The following article demonstrates…

  • Cancel a planned group activity

    NDIS activities can be planned, delivered and/or cancelled for individuals or groups. For a number of reasons, a planned activity may need to be cancelled. To cancel the activity for an entire group, follow the instructions below. If you need to record the non-attendance of only certain participants, refer to…

  • Cancel a planned individual activity – FFS Plan

    Once the Client’s Support Plan details have been completed, Support Activities can be planned. For a number of reasons, an activity may need to be cancelled.   Instructions   Step 1. Log into your CRM database (refer to Logging On for further information).   Step 2. Search for the required…

  • Why can’t I add a Locality?

    Localities are configured in your database to make entering addresses easier. A Locality record allows you to link a suburb to the correct postcode and state. When your database is initially configured you will have the approved Australia Post list of localities. Depending on database permissions, you may also be…

  • Edit a Locality

    Localities are configured in your database to make entering addresses easier. A Locality record allows you to link a suburb to the correct postcode and state. When your database is initially configured you will have the approved Australia Post list of localities. Depending on database permissions, you may also be…