Create a Cancellation Claim – Group Activity

NDIS activities can be planned, delivered and cancelled for individuals or groups.

For a number of reasons, a participant may choose to not attend a group activity.

There are 2 ways to record a no-show for a group activity.
1. If you do not wish to charge the client, simply do not select the Client as an Activity Attendee.
2. If you do wish to charge the client, select the Client as an Activity Attendee, but change the session attendance/claim to a cancellation charges claim type.

If you need to record the cancellation of a group activity for all participants, refer to Cancel a Planned Group Activity


Step 1. Log into your CRM database (refer to Logging On for further information).

Step 2. Open the Support Plan page from the top menu

Step 3. Select Group Case Type
Group Case Type

Step 4. Enter any other appropriate search criteria

Step 5. Click Search

The list of group support plans are returned
Group List

Step 6. Select the required group plan

The Group Support Plan page is displayed

Group Support Plan

Step 7. Select the required activity from the NDIS Support Activities list.

The selected Activity is displayed.

Activity Record

Step 8. Click Edit

Step 9. In the Activity Attendees list, ensure the required Client is selected.

Client Selected

If not already, ensure the Claim status is Delivered.

Save the Activity.

Tip: The Activity Status must be set to Delivered to create the claim for the client. 
If you select a Cancelled Status, the activity will be cancelled for all attendees.

If you wish to cancel the activity for all attendees, refer to Cancel a Planned Group Activity

The Activity is updated.
A claim is created for the required client.
Claim List

Step 10. Click the claim name in the NDIS Session Attendance & Claims subpanel for the activity

The claim is displayed.

Claim Detail

Note: The NDIS Service Booking and NDIS Support Item are automatically populated from 
the regular attendee record in the group support plan.

Step 11. Click Edit

The Claim edit page is displayed
Edit Claim

Step 12. Click on the Claim Type dropdown

Claim Type

Step 13. Select Cancellation Charges

The Claim Type is updated and the Cancellation Reason field is displayed
Cancellation Reason

Step 14. Select the required Cancellation Reason

Cancellation Reason selected

The NDIA currently allow cancellation charges up to a maximum of 90% of the unit price of an item.
The unit price of the selected support item will automatically be changed to 90% of the standard price.

Tip: The total price will be calculated at Unit Price x Number of Units or 
Unit Price x Number of Hours where Unit Measure = Hour. 

Step 15. Ensure the Claim Status is Pending to allow the claim to be reported.

Claim updated

Step 16. Click Save

Changes are saved successfully.

Saved Claim

Further Information

For further information, refer to the following articles:

Updated on February 18, 2020

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