• DEX Error – Month and Year of first arrival

    DEX Portal File Processing returns the following error: Error Month and Year of first arrival in Australia must be greater than or equal to the client’s date of birth and less than or equal to Today’s date. Cause Incorrect data in the client record Action Open the Client record in…

  • DEX Error – Address details are invalid

    DEX Portal File Processing returns the following error: Error Address details are invalid. Please ensure the address details are correct Cause DEX uses a specific address database for suburbs. If the entered suburb does not exactly match the DEX Database this error will be returned. Action Review the error file…

  • DEX Error – Client ID or Case ID not found

    DEX Portal File Processing returns the following error: Error ClientId xxxxxx not found OR CaseId xxxxxx not found Cause These errors are created when the parent entity for a record errors. i.e. if there is an issue with the Client record at the beginning of the file, any records that…

  • DEX Error – Income Frequency and Approximate Gross Income

    DEX Portal File Processing returns the following error: Error Income frequency is a required field when the Approximate gross income field has been answered. OR Approximate gross income is a required field when the income frequency field has been answered. Cause The Client record contains either Income Frequency or Approximate…

  • DEX Error – Session has invalid child element CaseId

    DEX Portal File Processing returns the following error: Error The element ‘Session’ has invalid child element ‘CaseId’. List of possible elements expected: ‘SessionId’ Cause There is no SessionId in the Report file as it was not created.  The cause is unknown. Action Open the XML file and search for the…

  • DEX Error – Outlet Activity ID cannot be updated

    DEX Portal File Processing returns the following error: Error Outlet Activity ID cannot be updated as the case has sessions attached to it. Cause This error occurs when a Case has previously been reported to DEX under an alternative funding source. Action Change the Site/Funding Source for the record back…

  • DEX Error – Cannot detach clients

    DEX Portal File Processing returns the following error: Error Cannot detach clients from a case until the clients have been removed from all associated sessions Cause This error occurs when a Regular Attendee is deleted from a case when they’re also a Session Attendee on a previously reported session. Session…

  • DEX Error – Multiple scores provided for domain xxxxxx

    DEX Portal File Processing returns the following error: Error Multiple Scores provided for domain xxxxxx. Cause A duplicate assessment has been created for the same domain Action Navigate to the reported session and delete the duplicate assessment record. Step 1. Review the error record in the DEX csv error file. e.g….

  • DEX Portal Report Upload Errors

    When a bulk XML upload file is processed by the Data Exchange (DEX), you may receive errors. Errors may occur due to a number of reasons, usually related to incorrect or missing data. Instructions Step 1. Create your XML Bulk Upload file (refer to the Create a DEX Activity Report …

  • Activity File – Creation Error

    When creating the DEX Activity File, you may receive an error for particular records. Instructions Step 1. Log into your CRM database (refer to Logging On for further information). Step 2. Complete the required actions in the Create a DEX Activity Report article. Step 3. Open the DSS Document record Step…