Funding Sources Overview

The Funding Source Module is installed in all databases that report to the DSS Data Exchange (and all databases created after June 2016)

This article will assist you to manage DSS changes to funding programs and ensure DEX reported data is valid. The instructions in this document are also useful for general management of non-DSS funded programs and services

In Community Data Solutions’ CRM the funding sources are used to determine DSS reporting program and the range of services available under that program.

For instance:

  • DSS program ‘Financial crisis and material aid – Emergency Relief’ funding source is configured for each outlet or site approved by DEX to deliver the program
  • The funding source has a range of services such as ‘Utility bill assistance’ and ‘Intake/assessment’ configured in the CRM
  • Each funding source is valid for a period nominated by DSS and when expired data recorded against the funding source is not longer valid and cannot be reported to DEX
  • In addition,  DSS occasionally changes the range of services available to programs and these changes must be addressed within your database to ensure caseworkers select valid and reportable options.
Funding Source

Funding Source Management Tasks

CDS enables limited funding source management tasks to database managers. Other tasks must be addressed by CDS development team. 

The table below identifies the tasks you can do and when you should contact CDS support.

ActionDescriptionManaged By
Funding Source ExpiryExtend funding source end date if permitted by DEXManager
Funding Source StatusSet funding source to inactive to prevent further useManager
Add New Funding SourceImport funding source from DSS Outlet and Activity fileCDS Support
Rename Funding SourceRename funding source per requirementsCDS Support
Add New ServiceAdd new service option to existing funding sourceManager

Further information

For further information, refer to the following articles:

Updated on March 29, 2023

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