Record level access permission (RLAP)

Some organisations require a more granular level of security across their client records.

The Record Level Access Permission (RLAP) feature allows restricting records in the system to be only visible to certain users or teams within the database.

This can be useful when seeing clients that have extremely high sensitivity, such as clients in the Witness Protection program or when clients may also be volunteers or staff known to other staff.

When a record is restricted, only the people in the selected teams or the selected users can search and find that record.

In some instances, a user may search for a Client and not find them because their record is restricted. If the user then tries to create the Client, rather than creating the client a second time, the system will tell the user the record exists but is protected. The system will then list the relevant teams and users who can access the record so the user can request access. This is an advanced feature which must be installed on your database to apply.

There is also a module configuration option, that allows users to see a record label but not click through to detailed information if they don’t have access. This option is useful to alert users to seek additional permissions if they feel they should have access to all information related to a case. By default, this configuration is turned off, but can be switched on at customer request.

The following articles will help with how to manage your Teams

Create a Team

Add a User to a Team

Remove a User from a Team

Create a Sensitive Record based on Teams

Further information

For further information, refer to the following articles:

Updated on May 27, 2024

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