NDIS Client Record

The National Disability Insurance Scheme functionality has been designed to keep track of NDIS data for clients and assist in reporting this data to the NDIA portal.

To ensure this data reports correctly for NDIS funded clients, the Client record must include NDIS information.



Step 1. Log into your CRM database (refer to Logging On for further information).


Step 2. Search for the required Client.

If the client you need does not exist in your database, continue with the creation of a new client.


Step 3.  View the Client record.

Client Information


Step 4. Click Edit



Step 5. Scroll to the Other Information section.


Step 6. Enter the Client’s NDIS Number.

NDIS Number

Tip: If the NDIS number is not entered, any NDIS claims 
for this client will be unsuccessful.


Step 7. Click Save



Next Steps

Create a Support Plan

Further Information

For further information refer to the following articles:

Updated on May 24, 2018

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