• Global Search

    This type of search can be done from anywhere in the database by using the Global Search facility at the top right hand side of the screen. A Global Search will do a search using the criteria you type the the search box. It will look for a record containing…

  • RLAP Module Configuration

    The Record Level Access Permission (RLAP) feature allows restricting records in the system to be only visible to certain users or teams within the database. To give customers more flexibility in the protection of sensitive records, there are 2 configuration options. This article provides examples to help organisations decide what…

  • CI Assessment – Schedule Assessment for later

    You can schedule a Community CI Assessments to be created at a later date. This article will walk you through how to schedule a Community CI Assessment. Before working through the instructions below, you may like to read CI Assessment – Create a Practitioner Assessment first Instructions Step 1.   Log into…

  • Waitlist Module

    The Waitlist module allows you to manage your waiting lists for different services eg Casework or Groups. By default, it is linked to the Client module as a sub-panel, but can also be linked to the Enquiry module. For those Users with the Manager Role. The “Mass Update” of Status…

  • OOHC – Placement Payment Report

    This report can be used by Out of Home Care organisations to facilitate the calculation of payments to their Carers. The rates must be configured in your database as a daily rate.  It is up to organisations to provide CDS with the correct rates each time they are updated (usually…

  • Create a Team

    The Teams module allows you to apply Record Level Access Permission (RLAP) feature allows restricting records in the system to be only visible to certain users or teams within the database. If this module has been installed on your database you can start by creating Teams. Instructions Step 1.   Log into…

  • SCORE Assessment Searching

    The Assessment Search will enable you to search for an Assessment or an Assessment Question. This is a great way to view any SCORE Assessments that have been created in the CRM at the Session level for Individual Session Attendees or for a Session Group. Instructions Step 1.   Log into your…

  • DSS SCORE Assessment for a Group

    DSS provides 1 group assessment domain for community case work: Group assessment only varies from individual assessment by applying to a group of clients instead of individuals. As such users are not required to click on a session attendance record and instead use the ‘Group Assessment’ panel to create pre-session…

  • Saving a Search

    Every list in your CRM database is searchable. While each list contains slightly different information, the searching functionality is common across all lists. Community Data Solutions has worked with your organisation to tailor your database to your needs.  Each CRM database is different, but the underlying functionality is the same.  …

  • CI Assessment – Send reminders to clients who didn’t complete survey

    Reminders are only sent to clients and should only be sent if a client has a CI Assessment that is in draft and is an Email/SMS Assessment. To access Community CI Assessments in the database, Users need one (1) of the following Roles (permission) – Manager – Community CI –…