CI Assessment – Create a CI Session Assessment

Community CI is an outcomes management software solution used to create outcome surveys, collect data from practitioners and clients and provide outcomes analysis. Community CI is offered as an outcomes data collection tool integrated with Community Data Solutions CRM.

Once your Assessment templates, Outcomes, Measures and other configuration items are set up, you are able to record assessments from within the session record on your CRM database.

Assessment Intake Methods

Individual Assessment at session level

When doing an individual client assessment there are 5 assessment intake methods
The table below lists each method, its purpose and recommended usage

Intake MethodPurposeRecommended Usage
PractitionerObservation AssessmentSuitable for observation outcome instruments such as SCORE
Joint Client and PractitionerPractitioner Complete for ClientSuitable for clients that need the practitioner to complete for them
Client via EmailSend the client an email with a link to an online assessmentSuitable for clients who prefer to communicate with practitioner via Email
Client via SMSSend the client SMS message with a link to an assessmentSuitable for clients who prefer to communicate with practitioner by SMS message
Client via KioskEnable client Kiosk access and places a draft assessment in their Kiosk accountSuitable for clients attending face to face meetings

Group Assessment at session level

When doing a group assessment there is 1 assessment intake method
The table below lists each method, it purpose and recommend usage

Intake MethodPurposeRecommended Usage
PractitionerObservation AssessmentSuitable for observation outcome instruments such as SCORE

Scheduling an Assessment

Refer to this article CI Assessment – Schedule Assessment for later

Further Information

For further information, refer to the following articles

Updated on May 20, 2024

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