PSP – How to create a Child/Young Person record

In your CRM database you create a Child/Young Person Record to keep information relating to a Child/Young Person in out-of-home care (OOHC).

Record keeping for Out of Home Care (OOHC) in Permanency Support Program (PSP)


Step 1.   Log into your CRM database (refer to Logging On for further information)

Step 2.   In the Activities Menu

Click on Child/Young Person

Step 3.    On the left in the Shortcuts

Click on Create Child/Young Person

Step 4.    You can now enter information in the new record for the Child/Young Person

See screenshots below

Screenshots below may be different to your database as each database is customised to suit customer needs.

A red star * next to a field name indicates that field is mandatory, it can't be left blank.

Some fields have default data already in them. These fields can be left as is, but check this is correct or change as needed.

Enter -> Client Information

When ticking Sensitive Record, you are telling the database that only people on the "Team with Access" can view/access this record. You will need to click on the Users to select them to have access.
If you have not setup your "Teams with Access" to include Users if "Sensitive Record" is ticked the record will not save.  
Want to know how to do this look here Add a User to a Team

Enter -> Email

Enter -> Demographic Details

Enter -> OOHC Information

Enter -> Psychotropic Medication

Enter -> Health

Enter -> Disability Information

Enter -> Education

Step 5.    When you have finished entering the information

Click on Green Save button

If at any time before saving you want to abort the record creating click on Cancel.

Step 6.    You will now see the record you saved for the Child / Young Person

Use the Sub-Panel by clicking on an item in the list this will take you to it and this is where you can add other information you need to collect on the Child/Young Person

To edit a record click on green Edit tab.

Sub-Panels are shortcuts, you could also scroll down the screen to get to an item on the Sub-Panel list.
All information in the screenshot above is data entered for an example only and is not a real person

Further Information

For further information relating to Out of Home Care – refer to the following articles

Updated on June 22, 2022

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