Reminders are only sent to clients and should only be sent if a client has a CI Assessment that is in draft and is an Email/SMS Assessment.
To access Community CI Assessments in the database, Users need one (1) of the following Roles (permission)
– Manager
– Community CI – Coordinator
– Community CI – Worker
Managers can add this role as needed refer to Edit User Permissions
Single Resend Reminders
These can be done by any User who has access to Community CI Assessments
Batch Resend Reminders
A user with the Manager Role (permission) can do both Batch Resend Reminders and Single Resend Reminders.
Users can be assigned the Role (permissions) “Community Ci Manage” to enable them to use Batch Resend Reminders.
If your organisation needs the Batch Resend Reminder made available to a single use this can be done, talk to your CDS representative to arrange
Step 1. Log into your CRM database (refer to Logging On for further information).
Your CRM database will have been created based on your organisation's needs.
All screenshots below are based on a generic version of a CRM database.
What you see in your database will also depend on what Permissions (role) you have been given as a user.
Step 2. In the Activities Menu
Click on CI Assessments
If you can't see CI Assessments in the menu speak to your manager, they may need to add Permissions (role) to your user account to allow access.
Step 3. Search for Draft CI Assessment/s for a client
Not sure how Search works look here Search
In Assessment Status
– Select Draft
Always select Assessment Status Draft. You should only resend a CI Assessments that is in Draft
In Assessed By
– Select – – – one or all of the below
– Client via Email
– Client via SMS
– 3rd Party via Email
– 3rd Party via SMS
Now click green Search button
If you know the date the CI Assessment was created you could include a date range in your search 'Created After' and 'Created Before'
Depending on the Role your User account has . .
Go to Option 1: Single Resend Reminders
Go to Option 2: Batch Resend Reminders
Option 1: Single Resend Reminders
Step 1. Click on the Assessment in the list you want to send a reminder for
Step 2. Click on Re-send Assessment (Email, SMS) now
Step 3. Confirm CI Assessment has been sent
Next you will see a message at the top of the screen indicating that #Email will be sent to Client.
Example Screenshot below
Option 2: Batch Resend Reminders
Step 1. Select Clients with Draft CI Assessments and Resend (Email, SMS)
Select the client from the list
Tip: You can tick the box next to the Assessment or use Select and select all
Then click on ‘Resend CI Assessment (Email, SMS)
Step 2. Confirm CI Assessment has been sent
Next you will see a message at the top of the screen indicating that # Assessment will be sent shortly.
Tip: The Screenshot below is an example of selecting 1 Assessment.
Further Information
For further information, refer to the following articles
- What is Community CI?
- Community CI CDS Website – Client Outcomes & Collective Impact
- Community CI Integration
- CI Assessment – Create a CI Session Assessment
- CI Assessment – Create a Practitioner Assessment
- CI Assessment – create a joint client and practitioner assessment
- CI Assessment – create a client assessment via email
- CI Assessment – create a client assessment via sms
- CI Assessment – Create a Client Assessment via Kiosk
- CI Assessment – Create and send to a 3rd party
- CI Assessment – Send reminders to clients who didn’t complete survey
- CI Assessment – create a group assessment
- CI Assessment – create a group assessment – error