DEX Dashboard – Client Attendance Dashboard

The Data Exchange Reporting Dashboard has been created to allow you to easily see the status and details of your DEX funded programs.

The Client Attendance Dashboard component is focussed on Client attendance numbers for sessions within the selected reporting period.


Step 1. Log into your CRM database (refer to Logging On for further information).

Step 2.  Navigate to the Community BI Reports section of your database

Step 3. Select the Data Exchange Dashboard Summary Dashboard

Step 4. Click on the ‘Client attendance of report period – click to view attendance dashboard’ link.

Step 5. In the Reporting Period drop down, select the required DEX reporting period to view. Click Apply.

The Client Attendance for Reporting Period dashboard is displayed, with the following components:

Attendance by Funding Agreement

This section shows a count of new and existing clients who have attended a session during the selected reporting period.

The counts are divided into the various funding sources configured in your database for reporting to DEX.

Attendance by CRM Module

This section shows a count of new and existing clients who have attended a session during the selected reporting period.

The counts are divided by the different modules configured in your database for reporting to DEX. e.g. Emergency Relief, Financial Counselling, Community Education.

Attendance by Site

This section shows a count of new and existing clients who have attended a session during the selected reporting period.

The counts are divided by the different sites the Client cases are linked to.

The counts are also divided by whether the clients have had sessions exported for DEX reporting.

Identified and Unidentified attendance comparison

This section compares the numbers of identified (clients) and unidentified attendees recorded in the database for the current and 2 previous reporting periods.

New and returning client attendance comparison

This section compares the numbers of New and Returning clients recorded in the database for the current and 2 previous reporting periods.

Data Rules

Existing clients are those who have had a session reported to DEX in a previous reporting period.

New clients are those who have not reported a session to DEX in a previous reporting period, but have in this one.

New clients not reported are those who have not reported a session to DEX in a previous reporting period and have an unreported session in the selected reporting period.

Further Information

For further information on the DEX Dashboard, refer to the following articles:

For further information on DEX reporting, refer to the following articles:

Updated on March 16, 2020

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